Saturday, 19 May 2012

Snow White...again

It's one of the few weekends I haven't gone to the movies. What I'd really want to watch though is Snow White and the Huntsman solely due to, of course, Chris Hemsworth. Aw there he is :-) I've seen about a dozen different versions of Snow White and this one seems interesting enough.

Charlize Theron as the Queen

Also, you just know that Charlize Theron will be a kickass evil queen. I always thought she had a real coolness to her bordering on icy. It's like she's hiding a side of her that keeps glancing through her eyes thinking, "look at those turds". I don't know, that's just the feeling I get. Plus, no one can deny she is pretty beautiful. 

I saw the other Snow White movie, Mirror Mirror, when it came out and it was a lot of fluffy light-hearted fun. The girl wasn't the best actress but she also wasn't the worst (I'll be talking about the worst later on) but she certainly looked the part and could pull off the sweet innocent character very believably. I didn't originally think Julia Roberts was the best casting because although she can be pretty, I wouldn't call her beautiful. However, the way she pulled off the role was great and hilarious. I loved her as the queen.

Now we come to the Snow White from Snow White and the Huntsman. Kristen Stewart ¬_¬ W in T absolute F! Seriously, couldn't they have found a worse person to play opposite these amazing actors? It's almost as bad as when they got that awful kid in Jingle all the Way to play Anakin in The Phantom Waste of Money.

I mean, look at her-

Even with extensive photo shop they can't make her look anything less than bland and dopey (in every sense of the word). Not that I think every actress has to be beautiful. Of course not. But when you're supposed to be the "fairest of them all" no one in their right mind would think of Kristen.

But it's not her looks that annoy me. Her fidgety, awkward, cold turkey acting makes me want to throw tomatoes at the TV screen (thank God I never wasted time and money watching her at the cinema) and the last movie I saw her in, I had to fast forward most of the scenes just so I wouldn't be driven to suicide. Why choose such an awful actress to play such a huge movie part?

WORST OF ALL this is the woman they get to play against Chris Hemsworth!!! It's a travesty, it really is. I think I would have been able to go and watch this movie perfectly happily if she wasn't his love interest. As it is though, the thought of them kissing and cuddling makes me want to puke and I don't think I could take seeing it on the big screen. That's like Hermione dating Dobby. You wouldn't want to watch that.

So, unless I can train my brain not to hate her acting, I don't think I'll be watching this movie. 


Can't wait for Thor 2.

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